How did you like Roger's delivery method for getting a message to Brianna about when he was?

1 13

Happy Sunday, Sassenachs! Please join us tonight at 6pm PT, 9pm ET for to discuss chpts 95-105

(Still showing your beautiful artwork Where the heck are you, girl?! We miss you!)

1 13

What was your favorite part of the weddings?

2 9

Would you want your dog(s) at your wedding?

0 11

Do you think you'd have wanted to be a Quaker woman just for the equality thing?

1 7

How did you feel about the reunion between Lord John and William?

0 23

How did you feel about the way Ian killed the Abenaki? Was he right to do it?

1 15

Does it matter if you kill someone "honorably" or not? (Tainting musket ball vs "clean").#ReadABookOr2

1 11

Can you imagine being awake and trying to supervise your own surgery?

2 18

What do you think Jamie would've done to/for Claire had she actually started dying of sepsis?

0 12

Good evening, Sassenachs! Are we ready for tonight's

1 8

Were you surprised that it was Claire who was wounded in battle this time?

1 10

Do to think the Abenaki attacked Ian because he was Mohawk or because he was a scout for the Americans?#ReadABookOr2

1 8

Do you ever wonder how ANYONE survive amputations under unsterile conditions and with no anesthesia?#ReadABookOr2

0 1

Do you ever wonder how ANYONE survive amputations under unsterile conditions and with no anesthesia?

1 9

How did you like the way Jamie revoked LJG's parole?

0 12

How do you think LJG would react if he were told about what happened to Jamie in Wentworth?

0 11

How much harder would it be to lead men into battle that weren't "yours"?

1 8

Do you think our own "dead" know when we need them most? Ever feel them by you?

1 9

How did the conversation between Ian and Jamie make you feel?

0 5