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#HolocaustMemorialDay Between 200,000 - 500,000 Roma & Sinti people were killed during the Romani Holocaust. @HMD_UK 's History of the Bock Family records the persecution of a Sinti family in their own words: https://t.co/OxKdMxnNDu
‘The horse was sacred to us Sinti' Vilém Bock
Marbled Cat
Scientific Name: Pardofelis marmorata
Distribution: Southeast Asia
Romanised Name: Māburu kyatto
Japanese Name: マーブルキャット
Diet: Carnivore
Conservation Status: Near Threatened
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Atlantic Puffin
Diet: Carnivore
Romanised Name: Nishi Tsunome Dori
Distribution: Northern Atlantic Ocean
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Scientific Name: Fratercula arctica
Also known as: Common Puffin
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 20 years
Japanese Name: ニシツノメドリ
What strong, bold vistas by Romanian concept artist and illustrator @georgebrad93 – his colour selection is just out of this world!
Make sure to join George on his journey to hitting 1,000 daily drawings with a follow of his Twitter page.
Marvellous Spatuletail
Romanised Name: Onagarakettohachidori
Distribution: Unknown
Japanese Name: オナガラケットハチドリ
Conservation Status: Endangered
Diet: Omnivore
Scientific Name: Loddigesia mirabilis
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
@kulikonn You know Angie 👉👈
Or Hannah! My fan child of Angie and Romani... You can draw her grown up! 👀?
Common Cuckoo
Romanised Name: Kakkō
Scientific Name: Cuculus canorus
Distribution: Europe, Asia, Africa
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Japanese Name: カッコウ
Diet: Unknown
Green Pheasant
Diet: Omnivore
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Japanese Name: キジ
Romanised Name: Kiji
Also known as: Japanese green pheasant
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Distribution: Japan
Scientific Name: Phasianus versicolor
Masked Booby
Diet: Piscivore
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Japanese Name: アオツラカツオドリ
Scientific Name: Sula dactylatra
Distribution: Worldwide
Romanised Name: Aotsura Katsuodori
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 15-20 Years
Ringed Seal
Distribution: Arctic Ocean
Scientific Name: Pusa hispida
Japanese Name: ワモンアザラシ
Romanised Name: Wamon'azarashi
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 15 to 20 years
Diet: Piscivore
Scientific Name: Canis lupus dingo
Romanised Name: Dingo
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Distribution: Australia
Japanese Name: ディンゴ
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 10 years
Diet: Carnivore
Romanised Name: Emyū
Distribution: Australia
Scientific Name: Dromaius novaehollandiae
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Japanese Name: エミュー
Diet: Herbivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 10-12 years
Livia Fălcaru is an #illustrator and #visualartist currently living and working in #Bucharest, #Romania. Her work is above all influenced by her personal experiences as a #woman living in these times.
only on #Society6 Grab it on > https://t.co/zb0Y2rYu4g
Jungle Crow
Also known as: Large-billed crow
Diet: Omnivore
Scientific Name: Corvus macrorhynchos
Distribution: Asia
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Japanese Name: ハシブトガラス
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Romanised Name: Hashibutogarasu
Lovers by Liubov Romaniuk #oil #painting #art https://t.co/RwxozegOeJ @artfinder
Sika Deer
Romanised Name: Nihon Jika
Distribution: East Asia
Diet: Unknown
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Also known as: Spotted Deer, Japanese Deer
Japanese Name: ニホンジカ
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Scientific Name: Cervus nippon
Giant Panda
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 20 years
Distribution: South Central China
Also known as: Panda Bear, Panda
Romanised Name: Jaianto Panda
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Diet: Omnivore
Scientific Name: Ailuropoda melanoleuca
Japanese Name: ジャイアントパンダ
Antichi #Piceni e #Romani: una storia popolare di guerre, insurrezioni e rivolte
Di Joyce Lussu