Antichi e una storia popolare di guerre, insurrezioni e rivolte
Di Joyce Lussu

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Alla Galleria Corsini si conserva uno splendido esempio di cornice metallica settecentesca, opera di abili argentieri romani: la cornice della piccola “Natività” di Pompeo Batoni.

Pompeo Batoni, Natività, olio su tela, Galleria Corsini

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Romani: Easy to do easy to wear would be super chill

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Gil: That one super rich, hot dad who can buy you, your friends, and this club.

Merlin: The dad's shady assistant, you just can't pinpoint out why he's shady.

Romani: The nice teacher at school who'll let you redo your project because the dog ate it.

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Fou and Romani: this is all Merlin's fault *sigh*

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Romani: What would you like for dinner, attila
Romani: *sigh* What would Altera, The King of Huns, Scourge of God and Destroyer of Civilizations like for dinner?
Altera: nuggies

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