reserve met at 50 tez now
In preparation for my solo ink show in march, I look towards generative art to give me inspiration. Instead of code imitating brush, my brush and mind aims to discover my own fictional landscapes...

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From the start I planned Dream Journal as a collection that would feature repeating visual themes: vintage gadgets, retro software, starry sky, cityscapes. It’s interesting to look at these repeating patterns and see what changed and what stayed the same

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Thank you Selina 💖 Here are two landscapes. ✨

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I'm a comic artist and illustrator interested in fandom, liminality, and rocky landscapes.

I make an HP fancomic you can read at

If you want to follow/support the progress of my comic and my quest to level up, check me out at

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I just draw landscapes.

As I like the more nature-focused, pastoral settings in TTRPGs I always have some of my own art I can use as placeholder for stuff.

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Hi Im Kio.
Im a fantasy artist. I like to draw characters, my ocs and landscapes. Sometimes I draw other stuff like, animals or other props.
This is my art 😊

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-Post Trauma-🌟

True horror lives in our minds. Post Trauma is both a tribute to and a modern take on classic horror games, blending old-school fixed camera angles with high fidelity graphics, smooth controls and immersive soundscapes.


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Here's some of my work! I'm an ink and watercolor artist who specializes in birds and landscapes. I'm tagging and to encourage them to share some work here 🙂

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Explore Afghanistan topography like never before with this Python-made contour map. From mountains to deserts, it showcases the country's diverse landscapes.

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I've been working on getting the art done for twitter feed for next week.

These are some epic fantasy landscapes.

You really need to look at the detail on these.

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Thanks for the artshare
Im Kio, I like to draw tradicional and digital style.
Normally draw my oc and trying to make some landscapes.
This is my artwork

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Thanks for the art share Chloe!

I’m Kiri and I do a lot of animal art, along with landscapes.

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A spirit monster in human form known as an elf who associates with light vehicles mounted on runners for use in snowy landscapes. 


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I'm NixNocturn! I'm a 2D artist illustrating mostly anime style characters and landscapes. Currently I have open commissions. \ • u • /

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Oops! I was setting up tomorrow's auctions and they instead just started tonight. So, introducing my NEW series "Paperscapes." 1/1 analog collage landscapes made with torn paper, ink, and paint, then digitally enhanced. and are now live for bidding.
See below

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My name is Nicxi and I'm freelancer artist and designer

💌I can do fan art, fantasy characters, landscapes...


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Hello ! I'm Louise, a UK illustrator based in France. I'm especially interested in nature, wildlife and landscapes. Would love to do some more work in children's non-fiction! 🌻

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oh hello !
im just a small digital artist who likes whimsical landscapes. living in germany and working part time as a gardener. art is a big part of my life, and my goal is to bring a few happy moments to people :3
enjoy your day!

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Hello , i like to draw and doing 3D stuff, especially alien creatures, robots, anthro characters and dragons, i still practice human heads and landscapes.

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