reserve met at 50 tez now
In preparation for my solo ink show in march, I look towards generative art to give me inspiration. Instead of code imitating brush, my brush and mind aims to discover my own fictional landscapes...

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Old (1997-ish), new ('Supernan's Day Out' published next month), borrowed, blue (ooh-errr matron!)

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I am back with drawing things in jars! New edition jars, yeah!
This one is SCP-097-IT, written by QuantumCryptographer on the Italian branch.

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Figured I'd take a stab at this w/ a pair of Prophs. It's not exactly from the beginning of High School (can't find anything from that far back) or "Now" (Haven't drawn a "nice" pic of Proph yet this year) but it's close enough. = )

1997-ish vs mid-2019.

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Sabrina, Erika and Koga. 1997-ish first ever full-body gym leader set by Ken Sugimori, published in the CD + Songbook "Pokémon Hikerukana?"

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