[On en parle] Confinement : de nouveaux usages culturels d’internet et des pratiques moins clivées - étude DEPS du via https://t.co/5jiHfqZlYT

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Masks designed by influential sculptor and architect Cornelis Floris and engraved by Frans Huys (1555)

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SCultures BIG 造形王SPECIALのローとドフラミンゴです‼️



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Dmitry Spiros - Red Peacock https://t.co/jLHxG2jtlU

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[らくがき] マーレ組学園ラブコメおまけのおまけ(全2枚) - mnnscultureのポイピク
https://t.co/QuuwukbcQV あとポイピクにも

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Three paths intertwined on one fateful fight night.

Discover the world of FIGHT OF THE CENTURY today: https://t.co/7RstqWUI32

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Working on a new base model for a sculture.
Have to learn a lot more about retopology, multiresolution and sculpting with It makes so much fun.

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FIGHT OF THE CENTURY! Step up to the challenge and experience bio-punk martial arts action: https://t.co/7RstqWUI32

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I cavalli della fontana del Biancone all’apparenza sarebbero rigide sculture due in marmo bianco e due in mischio rosato, ma poi sotto lo scrosciare dell’acqua prendono vita, nitriscono e galoppano scalpitando sul fondo della vasca

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I cavalli della Fontana del Nettuno sono vivi lanciano alto un nitrito di piacere dovuto all’acqua che rinfresca il loro mantello. Esprimono architettura dinamica in mezzo ad altre sculture

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