I've spent the past few weeks watching this campaign and holy hip huggers Batman is it amazing. Definitely going to start doing more fan art for it now that I'm all caught up. Wake needs more Calliope and turtles in his life.

73 471

Starting the new Honky Tonk Wonders lineup with Rubber Hose Dagon! Rest of the crew to be added soon!

6 69

I loved my Monk Nedra so much I did a full body.

15 149

Really enjoyed the latest episode of Wake has been one of favorite characters while I've been catching up with this show for the pass month. I now will be able to do more fanart now that im caught up. This is my favorite line out of the recent episode

26 147

finally finished my fanart concept of what i think wake would be like as a demon, presuming it came with a demonic form/transformation, hope u all like it to some degree and hope it can finally be seen on a stream

6 40

"Someone call for a doctor?"

DR. FRIEDA GAZIMAR is at your service. Say what you will of her bedside manner, her skills as a surgeon are renowned. (Also available for counseling; inner pain is just as important for the healing process)

32 247

So, guess who watched over the weekend? Really enjoyed it and decided to draw the Natural Wonders in Groening style. Debating on doing thw rest of the crew, but I suppose I'll wait till the final roster is decided.

14 114

Wake and Jillian Harvest BFF's. Also the origins of Mumja?

17 127

Jillian Harvest attempt number two! You want more tree-like, you get more tree-like.

23 214

A quick Miss Harvest because I love her???

6 47

Yes, I'm well aware that this doesn't quite have to do with the current plot, but as you might have guessed, someone did catch my eye and I want to think her through... In the meantime, I wanted to make this redesign of Serpil!

20 136

Jillian Harvest in full bloom! Am I doing this eladrin thing right?

18 124

Arundhati, Ave Lo, and Troy Hulch. One of these days I want to see someone climb into that armor and report on their findings. The mechanics of it are mind boggling...

14 119

Kinda what I thought a bloaterfish looked like
Round ol boy with really inefficient fins

4 34

Finally got around to painting this scary, gentle little lady

12 142