Unikitty: *she starts crying*

Lachlan: Oh crap... (Either if it’s by Twilight or Yona, I’m dead...!)

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Unikitty: Whoa..!! What’s this slope made of? Rocks?! *she almost loses her balance* AHH!!

Lachlan: *steadies her* I’ve gotcha!

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Unikitty: *she flies down in front of him* Stop right there!!

Lachlan: Ah! U-Unikitty...! *backing up*

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Lachlan: Lemme guess; because you and your butt are made of plastic?

Unikitty: That’s right! I should’ve known you’d get that!

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Unikitty: But, that means...!!

Yona: *nodding* Yep.

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Unikitty: How do you know that?

Yona: *points to the west* Look over there! Who’s that walking into the Canterlot Animal Shelter right now?

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*the crusaders screaming snapped her back to her senses*

Unikitty: Oh, right!

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*the portal dropped the two into an important moment in time*

Unikitty: *whew* Not a scratch! We’re a-okay!

Yona: Good, because now... *angry* I’M GONNA FLATTEN YOU!!

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Unikitty: *she and the others head outside the lab to find themselves in some sort of twisted world of purple and red... the 10th dimension...*

Music: (10th dimension lab from Crash Twinsanity)

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Evil Lachlan: *growls scarily*

Unikitty: *screams and jumps back*

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Unikitty: *panting* I had a nightmare that the pony races were divided against each other, and a new evil alicorn killed Mom and the others...!

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Unikitty: *giggles and braces herself for the heavy yak to lay on her*

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Unikitty: *noticed Lachlan stepped back* ...Uh oh, Yona’s gonna flatten me again, right?

Twilight: No, she’s sleeping on the floor.

Yona: *snoring on the floor*

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Unikitty: If I keep bursting into anger like that, karma will catch up with me...

Lachlan: *looks up and takes a few steps back*

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Twilight: To the Ponyville sewer systems.

Unikitty: Yay!! Now we can all smell like Discord!

Discord: *poof!* What did you just say?

Unikitty: Something something yay! *good save*

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Unikitty: *she thought long and hard, and realised that there was an option above her head; her horn*

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Unikitty: ...I think I’d like to tell him when we’re alone... just the two of us.

Scootaloo: That’s okay Unikitty, you pick your moment.

*then, the psychetron computer went “ping” as it began to warm up*

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Unikitty: *shudder* Brrr! The floor feels cold! Like... bathroom tiles! *gasp*

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