그레이드 소드 녀
greatsword girl

789 4000

크록가르와 그림록
kroq-gar and grimlok

68 282

키슬레프 코사크 와 곰 ?
kislev cossack and bear?

25 186

성배기사와 비스트맨
Grail knight and beastman


45 180

Isabella von Carstein
이사벨라 폰 칼슈타인

68 360

In celebration of 5th anniversary of one of my favorite games, I wanted to show off some rats and empire men of my own.

3 8

i fully understand why skaven are supposed to look gross, but imagine if they looked like domestic rats...

22 123

Tzarina Katarin Bokha, Ice Queen of Kislev
차리나 카타린 보카, 키슬레프의 얼음 여왕

22 144

Which one of these movies is the most "Warhammer" of all?

4 11