2: Rebel + Angsty + Hardcore

SRILL GOING STRONG WITH MY DAILIES!!! Idk what to do with him Tbh... But oh Well guess I have him now!
Words given by my friend Hunter [hellaonwheels]

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Happy Monday She discovered her powers as a young adult and found she had ability to fly and control electromagnetic fields. Let's draw 🧲

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Happy Thursday He teaches history and is stuck in a perpetual state of rage, shouting every 4th or 5th work making is right eye bulge dangerously. Let's draw

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Happy Wednesdays His enormous appetite knows no bounds and has the ability to spin like a vortex and bite through nearly anything. His only weakness is music and his wife. Let's draw

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Happy Tuesday Usually depicted as a beggar or a vagabond with one foot in front of the other, this card represents new beginnings, faith in the future, and beginners luck. Let's draw 🃏#tarot

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Happy Thursday She was once Goliath's mate but now she is consumed by hatred for humanity and has attempted several times to destroy it. Let's draw

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It's been a minute since I've done one of these so here's a tiny of 20x20 hot for today's

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Happy Friday It's a prominent constellation in the northern sky and is known as the constellation. Let's draw 🦢🌌

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Happy Thursday He's loyal to a fault and as a personality as bold as his colorful scales, let's draw 🦎

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Happy Wednesday Earth got its first pics of a Some say it looks like a bagel, other think it looks like an eye. What do you think the looks like? 👩🏻‍🔬📸🌌#EHTBlackhole

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Happy Monday When her cute little bundle of joy arrives she does all she can to love and protect it. Let's draw

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A bit late but here's a based on the one from Narnia for yesterday's

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Happy Friday In the comics she was a founding member of the Avengers, appearing in the first issue and gave the team its name. Let's draw 🐝

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I haven't done one of these in ages so here's this weeks with some to sort of make up for yesterday's

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Happy Tuesday She is quite the opposite of her sister. She is dark-haired and outspoken, lively and cheerful, and prefers to be outside. Let's draw

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A couple of quick 16x16 for today's
Was going to do more of em but I've been pretty flat out lately & I'm honestly falling asleep trying to get this posted

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Happy Monday She's a lonely princess who dreams of a better life and has the adventure of a life time after running away and waking up in the house of 7 dwarves. Let's draw 🍎#Disney

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A tiny for yesterday's
I feel like I'm always playing catch-up with these.

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