Day 452: In which when times are tough and your ambulance chaser is under criminal investigation, play the reliable, bigoted-bugle-blowing hits.

55 94

to one year ago today and the Washington Wormtongue will always find an excuse to un-recuse.

30 71

It’s open season on unarmed POC but would rather focus his attention on more pressing issues, like beef-tweeting at and the or congratulating Roseanne on her ratings.

36 60

Day 430: In which their command of Photoshop is second only to their commanding fear of motivated students. I

64 119

Day 429: In which one faces the Sophie’s Choice of Cowards: hide from pupils or porn stars?#resist

38 79

Stephon Clark, 22, unarmed and murdered by police in his own backyard. Funny how police always seem to confuse phones and Skittles for guns when confronting people of color.

77 126

This Saturday, it’s time to flood the streets and send a message to the NRA and the lawmakers they bankroll that their small minded, profit-driven stranglehold on public policy is coming to an end.

46 91

Day 423: In which the inside of an abandoned mattress wearing a repossessed-yacht-sized suit still wants you to know he has very much nothing to hide.

53 89

h EMPOWER is calling for a for 17 minutes at 10am on 3/14/18. If legislators are too cowardly to confront the NRA, perhaps tomorrow’s voters can make their voices heard.

40 68

Day 383: In which when one isn’t looking to separate undocumented children from their parents or covering for power-drunk toddlermen, one does the tough work of protecting domestic abusers.

41 93

Day 380: In which the only knee this hastily-put-together hate merchant takes is the one when he kneels down to pick up that second box of spilled chicken wings.

61 134

Day 379: In which a pissant promotes a pittance and the see their windfall roll in.

304 515

Day 368: In which Foghorn Jeffhorn hopes the role of the coy, forgetful elf-dandy keeps the special counsel spectre at bay.

9 35

Day 345: Happy New Year’s all! Here’s to hoping it’s a happier and healthier one for (almost) everyone.

17 24

Day 342: In which one sees the rain, tells California not to sweat those fake news wildfires because droughts are over, believe me.

12 20

to an unfinished sketch from 1 year ago today. Right as I was taking myself off social media and with the dawning realization of going from Hope and Change to Nope and Strange.

6 12

Day 292: In which one’s understanding of freedom of the press is rivaled only by their understanding of how govt works.

13 21