//=time() ?>
Um trecho fora de contesto duma HQ que eu queria criar
mas que nunca vai ser feita... ou talvez...😳😳
Now the fight come to the final round!
We'll find out who is the better god in a few minutes!
Wait...what!? what Mike Mila has just done!!
Isn't that against the rules 👀💦
D..Duma Holyfield can't fight anymore!
How should we judge this match!?
Folks! who is the winner!?΄◞ิ౪◟ิ
Duma wearing his own merch
(You've seen Mila drinking Milo, now behold! Duma wearing Duma!)
#FireEmblem #FEH #FEHeroes
Meet Mila: Goddess of Love from the Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia game. Goddess of Love and sister of the god Duma. She and Duma fought over the continent of Valentia and split it in twain. Zofia is her domain. #FEHeroes
@kounelicoelho Oiie
Me chamo gabi, assinatura Bibi Sweet sou daqui do PR e sou uma baita duma flopada.....
Sigo todos os artistas e tbm eu ativo o sininho pra apoiar alguma nova arte que sair de vcs❤❤❤
Ajudem esse poço de flop dando pelo menos um🔄 pufavô😳😳
Dps de assistir o vídeo do Goularte sobre catghost(que por sinal é muito foda),tava sem nada pra fazer..até que lembrei da phamtasma(um desenho duma piada),e decidi tipo "PQ EU NÃO FAÇO DNV?"
E é isso
@ArtistsOfAskr will be releasing Divine Wings soon, a zine dedicated to dragons! Here is my piece of Naga with Duma and Mila in the foreground. Thank you again @traveler_san for giving me some extra time! Hope you like it. 💚
Such an awesome community! #FireEmblem
I decide to change this one a little. But just a little.
Again. This is my monk tiefling Duma.
An sketch of my #DnDcharacter
Gorric (rouge halfling)
Celestine (tabaxi celestial warlock)
Duma (tiefling monk)
I wanted to do this too 😳 here's my cat Duma in mine and @perisceris' picrews respectively 💛
yknow i for some reason have this pic of smug berkut in my csp files folder and he jsut..... do u know i draw duma's tits... is that why u r laughing at me... bc i am creacher
Fiz esse sketch de aquecimento por cima duma foto da @pitayaq🖤❤️🖤
2 meses sem trabalhar no mes que eu finalmente volto me surge uma porra duma PANDEMIA então não vou receber o mes inteiro também
Naga might be a generally peaceful goddess figure in FE, but she also drop-kicked Mila and Duma onto another continent so like, she should have a bad-ass war outfit too
Duma es una artista plástica que centra su obra artística en la figura femenina, a la que nunca muestra en su totalidad.
#arteyalgomas #pintura #arte