Here's some old art of them all unpixelized in case y'all forgot/dunno who they are lol.

I really gotta draw them again.

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The detailed view of caramelized nut damage stages

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Psst my dad’s not on twitter but I made this for him today what do you think🙈 caramelized popcorn is hard to draw

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You can buy PixageFX now on STEAM!
Convert any image or video to pixel art, illustration, abstract images with

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Sekali lagi OMEDETOU Elize Nee 🎉🎉 semangat 🔥🔥

Masa susu coklat dikira Teh, kobokan got 😭😔 masih perlu latihan lagi ini biar ga salah kira ✨

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The combuster it´s just a regular blaster, it gets outclassed very quickly and I always struggle to max it cause I don´t think is that useful specially compared with the Pixelizer and Buzz blades

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Waah,,. Si paling jago 3D 👀,. just relized 😢
Thx for first kick mate ,,

Lambangnya bagus yaaa 8=====D

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『KAエスマ文庫 TV Animation Free! Novelize』
よろしくお願いいたします。m(_ _)m

48 314

não vou conseguir terminar isso hoje então vou mandar isso logo~
esteja com alguém importante, seja namorado ou não, espero que vcs estejam felizes viu 😎

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Olha só q cupido mais belo

💝+🔁+💌= Vcs vão ser felizes, eu eu tbm. Obg!^^💜

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Here is ny little angel ・ω・
Also just relized I got 1k of follwers when I finshing my squid.Happy 1k I guess 🥞

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FELIZ DIA DOS NAMORADOS !!! Que vocês sejam muito felizes com seus amados 😚


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Resolvi postar a segunda foto aqui... [2/4] ... a artista é ela e eu estamos muito felizes com o desenho.
Ah se puder e quiser me ajudar de alguma forma, porque nao tenho renda, e eu cortei os gastos mas a faculdade eu mantive... brigado viu

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FLORZINHA NO OLHO É BLESSED, deviam é ficar felizes com dois pares de olhos perfeitos assim

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já faz meses que terminei omori, mas me dói até hoje ver o quão felizes eles eram, e imaginar o quão felizes eles poderiam ter sido

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Tabom tabom todos vão viver felizes para sempre

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