Fairy Godmothers are closely linked to The Fates who attend births and decide destinies. They emerged during the French salon fairy-tale tradition, whose tellers also so happened to be wiser, older women...

🎨Edmund Dulac

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Art station had a challenge - make an art piece based on classic fairy-tales. So here's my entry based on Rapunzel. I did it as an ocean study. It is for the challenge.

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Birthday Remembrance ~ (1932-2016)
"I only had radio growing up, so I loved going to the movies. I always had a thing for a fairy-tale ending." - D.R.

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"Uh-oh. I don't think we're in Iride anymore."

Here's what Q.P. would like in actual fairy-tale clothes. I kind of borrowed the title of the picture from another character who bears said title. My apologies if it seems like I stole the title.

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孤独な戦いに疲弊しながら逃げ込んだ建物で、口ずさんだMy Own Fairy-Taleが最強の男たちを呼び覚ます

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Beautiful Painting of Irish artist with fairy-tale name, Beatrice Moss Elvery (1880-1970) by William Orpen

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Sing your favorite song and make your fairy-tale become real. For , thank you for letting me work on such a cute drawing

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“Undine”, or Ondine, is a fairy-tale novella, written by Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué in 1909, about a water spirit who marries a knight named Huldebrand in order to gain a soul.
(illustration by Arthur Rackham, 1909)

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My Own Fairy-Tale - 近江彼方 (鬼頭明里) (Love U my friends)



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The said of EXTRAORDINARY: "VERDICT - Vivacious, reader-friendly, and openhearted, Anderson’s spirited fairy-tale spin-off beckons legions of unwittingly extraordinary fans."

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My Own Fairy-Taleの指ツンツン合わせる振り付けが大好きでね...(うろ覚え)

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On this day, in 1887, Czech artist Josef Lada was born. He is most celebrated for bringing the Good Soldier Švejk to life, but I also love Lada for his iconic fairy-tale and village prints that decorated so many walls of my Prague childhood.

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My Own Fairy-Taleの世界観大好き!!

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彼方ちゃん誕生日おめでとう~🎉My Own Fairy-Taleのこんな感じの振付がめっちゃ好き

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My Own Fairy-Taleすこだった。ライブでの鬼頭さんの歌声の安定感すごかった!

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