ryu hayabusa might or might not be my first video game crush even back when he hadn't even got a face reveal yet 🌚 but tbf he also had big bare arms and a nice seiyuu

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I would love to see Ryu Hayabusa get into SSBU. Ninja Gaiden is one of the most nostalgic franchises ever to me, and I think he could be sick as fuck depending on how they would implement him

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So Hayabusa day is already gone but i wanted to draw something 🥷

Happy birthday master ultimate super ninja uwu

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He would probably be disappointing for those that don't know him, or if the Smash team doesn't do his moveset justice, still my money is on Hayabusa

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Beach Hayabusa. 🎂

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Happy Birthday, Hayabusa! 🎂

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alr the direct is super close

i would love if waluigi or a tf2 rep got into smash but realistically speaking i think either crash or ryu hayabusa

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Mañana es el Cumpleaños de

Mañana Habra

Con la MUY reciente salida de da para tener Esperanza

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Predicting a double reveal of ideally a platformer icon & FPS green plated armor Space Marine.

But realistically, in case of a double reveal, one of them would, like back in 2019 be eyecandy for the Japanese audience, this would be either Ryu Hayabusa or a Tales Of... character.

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例によってOneNoteで描いた下手な絵ですが, ささやかながら祝わせていただきます。
お誕生日おめでとう, みらちゃん。
そして, 還ってきてくれてありがとう, はやぶさ君。

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(Look, all I know about Ninja Gaiden is what I learned from the arcade game, that Ryu Hayabusa loves reading the newspaper and gambling. But I do like to report on these ports, you know?)

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Enter Ryu Hayabusa, seeking revenge on the black samurai who attacked his village and begin the path to become the Super Ninja. The prequel to the NES trilogy. Become the Ultimate Ninja and experience the karma of the dragon ninja lineage. Last, find his place in modern society.

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Guess I should post this, This is Satomi Hayabusa (adoptive parent last name) and he's the son of a Hyuga and an Uchiha and thus can use both visual justu, he can use one in each eye or in both eyes, he can even use the evolved form called "ByakuSharingan" but only for 10 minutes

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thank you very much for the mention Harry I wish you and everyone here a pleasant weekend 🍻⚡
Green Men by Lord Hayabusa (nice crossover)

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1 Shantae 2 Master Cheif 3 Ryu Hayabusa 4 Rayman 5 Agumon

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