





19 26

Pantailak, pantailak, pantailak; dirua, dirua, dirua: neurokapitalismoari buruz idatzi dut hilabete honetako Nola teknologia digitalek eredu produktibo berri batera garamatzaten. Eta nola bidean aldaketa antropologiko sakonak gertatu diren https://t.co/T4KolzO12u

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The Princess of Honetoy! (where ever that is) Crema!
(nobody knows her actual name okay)

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Ostegun honetan, martxoak 28, ohiko osoko bilkura egingo du go udalbatzak. 6. puntua: eta en arteko lankidetza hitzarmena, eremuan exekutatutako obra eta zerbitzuen inguruan (#atezate,...): https://t.co/KVN6XLMbRE

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https://t.co/5cbEnJ3wCO - Сойка (“Soyka” phonetically, meaning “Jay” in Russian) is a restaurant in Yekaterinburg, Russia, combining flavors from South East Asia and China. From its stunning little building that looks like…

📸 https://t.co/CRqDqZqOms via https://t.co/qMG785Miys

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This one is a totally phonetic pun. "Le froissé" means "the creased", but it sounds exactly like "the cold is". "Chaud" is "hot". So the caption reads "the hot creased”, but sounds exactly like "the cold is hot".

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Datorren asteko " aldizkariarekin Larrun hilabetekari monografiko berria kaleratuko da. Hilabete honetako gaia: "Nokaren galera". Hemen duzue marraztu dudan azaleko irudiaren aldaera bat 😉

12 30

Currently battling some of the challenges of phonetic spellings & impenetrable nicknames. Lady Bristol referred to Lord Bathurst as Batters which is clear enough but the duke of Richmond had a friend known only as Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha which is a tougher nut to crack

59 168

Aste honetan “Landa Lan. A Documentation of Darcy Lange” erakusketa berria inauguratuko dugu Tabakaleran. Besteak beste, bere obraren iraupen, luzapen eta zorroztasun formalak bihurtu zuten aitzindari bideo-artearen munduan.


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I just saw 's video about article 13.
In all honety this is a huge issue that needs to be addressed...
There is a huge difference between protecting copywrite and destroying createive freedom on the internet.

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Here's my next monster, the Ausebadder (from a phonetic altering of "Outside Body"). It's loosely based on the Rokurokubi from Japanese folklore.

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