You can now make a tax-deductible donation (in ETH) at https://t.co/LrlMYfk0Mc to support Blankets of Hope!

Donate anytime before Christmas to secure your place in history and receive the RCG POAP!

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Tips for Happiness


My first tip for is also the easiest and the most fun. Give it a try for one – even better – two days, and see if it doesn't completely transform your life!

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Day 7: You can show kindness by making your friends smile.

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When was the last time you wrote someone a letter? Dec 7 is a great day to send a note of to someone. Art: Man Writing a Letter by Gabriel Metsu

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"🎶Every single day do something that makes your heart sing "🎶☃️
~Marcia Wieder 🎶

💙🫖☕☕🫖🏞✈🛩🌀❄🧦🧥🧢💎👕👔👓🫖☕☕🫖Happy day wishes lovely friends ❄☃️👓❄☃️👓❄☃️👓❄☃️👓☃️❄☃️💙#KindnessMatters

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Spread kindness like confetti! 🎉

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Good Morning Twitter wishing everyone a happy day take care out there 😉

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Some digital art I made...This piece seemed very apt as we should all be allowed into all venues, pubs, clubs etc in the UK & worldwide without idiotic government vaccine passports.

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If there's one thing I constantly see in the community, it's a need for people to be kind - to each other, and more importantly, to themselves. This is your chance.

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