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Постер до нових OVA серії "Так говорив Кішібе Рохан" (Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan), відомої в Японії під назвою "Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai" (Кішібе Рохан не рухається).

Детально про ці OVA ми писали раніше в ТГ:


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I’m not sure if this has been uploaded but here are some old Rohan doodles in his different thot outfits

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ทนความขี้อ่อยของอาจารไม่ได้จริงๆค่ะ--- -///-

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Finally started my DIU set. My comfort zone is just a measly portion of the body. Rohan is very disappointed. 😬

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MY FAVORITE DRAW SO FAR OK??? Rohan it's my favorite character from Diamond is Unbreakable, sorryyy u^u

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Here's Rohan looking down on you, thank me later.

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Просто люблю его лицо 💙

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