This sculpture in our collections by Andy Goldsworthy is made entirely form the bones of a pilot that stranded off the Northumberland coast in 1997.

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Explore the mammals of the British islands for with Sir Henry Hamilton Johnston's "British Mammals" (1903). Digitized in by :

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WIP Its so here is an indeterminate Sinokannemeyeriine dicynodont from the Lipovskaya Fm. Not a mammal nor a cynodont but a distant relative therapsid from Early Triassic (Olenekian) Russia. One of the approx. 20 spp that will appear in my book

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I uploaded the non-revised pic earlier. This is the correct one: It’s so here is my recon of Amblotherium gracilis, a therian dryolestid mammal from the Late Jurassic Morrison Fm (Brushy Basin mb) CO USA 🇺🇸. It lived alongside animals like Stegosaurus

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Fruitafossor windscheffeli a Jurassic mammal from Morrison fm, Colorado 🇺🇸 that probably feed in termites

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Do spatial/temporal changes in env. conditions affect Get an overview with functions timeDir and spaceDir.

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Nothing like a relaxing grooming session on Sea spend about 15% of each day grooming!

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Nothing better than a relaxing sea video to help you enjoy this

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Sea don't just groom their fur to keep it looking cute—their fur insulates their bodies!

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Hans Gude
Bunnefjorden Fra Malmoya (1884)
National Gallery Oslo

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"Paleocene" opens with the very act that mammals are named for:

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Prepping our stuff for the Come and say hi at the indie area tomorrow!

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Prepping our stuff for the Come and say hi at the indie area tomorrow!

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Reclaimed Art Inspired by Nature: 2016 IWAF Artist Michael Olshefski,

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