Patapon, from Digimon!

I discovered just how unfamiliar with Digimon I was, combing through hundreds of monsters. Patapon I recognize! It's cute and iconic.

2 15

Day 5:
Etemon from Digimon

This shouldn't be a surprise to people that know me,
but I love Etemon.

Looks like he's giving a performance.

5 14

Day 5 is Wormmon from Digimon! I sincerely loved him both in the show and in Digimon Rumble Arena. Boy was my main.

7 26

Day 5
Dorimon from Digimon
Like many, I adored Dorumon from the X Evolution movie. I don't see much of the pre forms though hence why I chose Dorimon. Also cause I don't have much purple left to use :P

10 35

Oh, it's already Day 5? And the Theme is Digimon? You know what that means: Six Digimon. Yes i like the cute simple designs, fight me.

Actually don't fight me: i'll lose

2 15

Day 4. Color Pandora from Monster Rancher. I know nothing about Monster Rancher, and was looking up examples from monsters from the game. How could i resist the 3 dopey tv's that make up one monster?

1 6

[04][#MonsterRancher][Queen plant] animated very quickly in

Really love this freaky design...

6 20

Day 4 of
I was a pretty bad monster rancher myself, until I figured out how to raise these guys.

1 11

Day 5 of Beelzelbumon. And edgy biker that's partially inspired by a demon? Sign me in.

3 8

Day 4
Series: Monster Rancher
Monster: Actopee

i've never been a Rancher before. really, i just thought this monster's name was funny.

1 5

Day 4 of MonMonth

Monster Rancher: I know nothing about Monster Rancher so asked people to pick monsters for me. Here are Tiger and Ducken!

7 25

DAY 4 - beralsekt [monster rancher]

5 21

Day 4: Eye Fan from Monster Rancher! From what I understand, this is a humanoid Suezo fan wearing a costume. As much as I appreciate Suezo as a mons game mascot, Eye Fan's "hunched", "mouthless" impression and just being a cute idea makes it the better eye monster imo

2 10

Day 4 of

Monster Rancher: I know nothing about Monster Rancher so asked people to pick monsters for me. Here are Tiger and Ducken!

14 41

Day 4 monster rancher
*Devilman No Uta plays in the distance*

1 10

Day 4 of is Monster Rancher!
So I had to draw my dude Smiley

5 48

Here is a cop out for entry for the 3rd which was Tamagotchi, I slapped it together to catch up with the actual schedule.

Behold the masterpiece of a tamagotchi that is: Ichiqotchi.

1 18

[Monster Rancher]

This sun guy is stylin'

0 15

Day 4:
Afro from Monster Rancher

A cute yellow guy inside of a shell that looks like a human with an afro!

1 7