SCI-FI RPG Character Design no6 (bust)(fanart) ✏✒

"Domo arigato Mr Roboto!!" 🤖

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SCI-FI RPG Character Design no4 (full body)(fanart) ✏✒

-"No disintegrations!"

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SCI-FI RPG Character Design no3 (bust)(fanart) ✏✒


Halo meets Clone Trooper meets Wolf-man.. 😅🐺

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Melsonian Arts Council have been selling questionable role-playing material to the poor and vulnerable since 2014. What will you discover?

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Ember a Classic Role Playing Game Out Now on iOS

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4 gaming channels followed me! Thanks to those 4 people! ^-^

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A few Dungeon Magazine maps are up as Digital Downloads, more to come!

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