Eh, some random Gundam tech that really doesn't make much sense. Maybe I should focus on other schematics instead...

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Eine neue von Instagram diebich zeichnen durfte🌸 Sie ist genau mein Farbschema 😱✨

1 13

I didn't want to equip any Schemata I would regret in a cool cutscene the first time I played!!

2 6

is by M. Maiofys, an artist about whom I can find exactly zero information, but whose work in this book I love: "Russian Tales" by Pushkin (1990). Here's a saucy Queen of Schemakhan in the tale of "The Golden Cockeral". Lovely free line & bold colour.

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I'm looking for a branding for the store.
For now I'll try this logo and colour schema. But I dont want to get rid of the gold palette for now.
I'll be improving it if I have better ideas.

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Another one of these thoughts-manifested-as-monsters concepts! What does this make you think of?

(Side-on schematic drawing so then I can use it for a model reference.)

3 25

I needed a schematic of the axillary artery today & just couldn’t find what I was looking for... so I made this!

Please excuse the artistic liberties I’ve taken in only drawing partial structures as landmarks (& that pec minor looks like badminton birdie??🏸)

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The derp is strong in this one, your approval is most appreciated. My helmet simply doesn't display my love of this game or my inner thoughts, so irony and humor ended in a schematic that renders to look like:
(and yes, that's a teacup.)

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Here's a schematic for ya, MY ASS!

3 24

I forgot to publish this.

I thought I had enough materials to draw a cross-section of a power armor suit but realized I was wrong. So I started working on schematics because it's one of several things I wanted to do for many years. This is what I ended up designing for an arm.

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Ja ich möchte es farbig versuchen. Aber dann eher in einem monochromen Farbschema und eher flott coloriert (ungeduldiiiig). Und keeeine Ahnung ob das mit der Colo der Bleistiftlines klappt, das wird noch ein Experiment. Aber soooo in etwa fänd ich schön. :)

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dimension beast / Sphere²
?? / Jul / 2020

FROM Eerik Inpuj Sound(EIS043) & Schematic Music Company(SCH-128)


11 23

It's not mine, Christoph. But I have always worried about the "dirty" schema. So I commissioned to make this for me some years ago.

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・starship schematicsにある物(出所はよくわからない)
の2つ確認できるんですよね... 後者は艦首とか胴体結構弄らなきゃなのか

1 7

widać że teraz się przerzucili na "wielka głowa kota na górze a na dole jakaś scenka" ale to nadal nie jest na tym samym poziomie co nasze okładki. LOL. my zrobiliśmy ten sam schemat i wygląda o niebo lepiej

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