# midjourney midjourneyart ai aitech nvidia mj bugs starshiptroopers verhoeven robocop aiart aiartwork aiupscale aienhance aiartists aiartist sd aicommunity 3d b3d blender spiders arachnids robocop1987 idbuythatforadollar deadoraliveyourecomingwithme dickshot digitalart peterweller mortalkombat robot scifi alexmurphy movies ocp art movie robocopmovie robocopart mortalkombatart peterwellerart robotart scifiart alexmurphyart paulverhoevenart moviesart ocpart movieart artist ink nintendo mixedmedia inkwash strathmorepaper photoshop supermario artwork inkart drphmartins artoftheday inkdrawing nintendoswitch willpottorff wario warioware totalrecall kuato robocop3 fresco cop skull skullart skullsketch robocop2 robocopartwork elle isabellehuppert design poster illustration neildavies parafernaliacinéfila paracinemoviecomic comicdecine moviecomics tonylee neiledwards cinedelos90 robertaheinlein mk terminator fatality actionfigures ed film cyberpunk robocoparchive wacom vector astutegraphics adobe adobeillustrator cinema geek arnoldschwarzenegger mars cartoon covid19 pcr covid webtoon basicinstinct michaeldouglas 80s scifivisionaries sfv worldbuilding scifiartwork scifinovels fantasybooks steampunk dystopian fantasy speculativefiction epicfantasy epicfantasybook kassmiththewriter postitpopart toddnauckdrawingchallenge fanart postit review bluray sciencefiction action nancyallen kurtwoodsmith ronnycox bqhlÉditions spetters tommy theanniversary coffy notrehommeflint ladernièrefoliedemelbrooks latavernedelenfer sylvesterstallone rendezvousaveclamort chutchutchèrecharlotte

Robocop! Love, love, love this classic movie! Finally got to do a fanart of him🤘🏻#robocop1987

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Anybody remember Robocop 3? I don’t remember any of the premise, but I do remember Robocop had a jet pack and a gun arm.

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It was such a treat to sit down with for to talk and more. Coming very soon…

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Speaking of Elle and Paul Verhoeven, this piece reminds me of how time flies—made back in 2016.

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Check out these posters for the 4K restoration of (1992).
Directed by
A violent police detective investigates a brutal murder that might involve a manipulative & seductive novelist.
Cast: .

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