This Friday drop another single from their album 🎃
Pre save here:
The new album is almost here, it drops July 31st!!!
( 💀

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Fanart of 's song Welly boots. Did I make myself sad while drawing this...yes, yes I did.
Go check them out they're absolutely 'Amazing' (yes pun intended).

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We have as our Featured Creator today. Take a look as he taps into culture for his most recent The Podcast Ripper.

Links here!

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“Scream, Queen! My Nightmare On Elm Street”

Last day of and I can’t believe I‘m barely getting to this doc.

I’m only six minutes in and I’m already getting emotional 😭 Nightmare on Elm St 2 has always been one of my favorites

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I feel like I've been working on this with strong determination almost nonstop for a good while, so it feels good to finally have the finished products in front of me.

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Arent you tired of drawing nice? Dont you just want to go ape shit?

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Hollow Knight x Bloodborne

By TheHorrorPainter

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The art is being coloured, the stickers have been sent to the printer, and we need just $127 more to reach our second stretch goal - free issues of Commandos from Hell!

Help us

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Guys, ONLY 11 days left before the campaign ends!

But you still can get it!! :D

Please help with some retweets!

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Congratulations to my client whose story ‘Fossil Bluff’ has been accepted into the Black Dogs, Black Tales: A Mental Health Charity Anthology

Submissions are still open until the end of Feb

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