Tag 5friends and list your top4 RE games:
Fav game ever
Amazing lore/acting
Superb atmosphere

Sp mentions:#RE3R/#RECV

Grazie for tag; https://t.co/FKjayUCMsS

2 30

Love when I get the more pedestrian tasks out the way and can turn my eye to creating some more of the Aquaponics Decks... 💧


11 104

I'm working on the design of some enemies.

Choose the two that you like the most.

WISHLIST on Steam 🙏 https://t.co/0Avio3fknG


10 51

Happy 11th anniversary,#RErevelations
It brought back several features during Action era,telling BSAAroots n playing as the iconic duo,#JillValentine &
One of my comfort games💙
I was at high school when I played it,time flies

31 111

i love survival games, also the ones with zombies 💓 but i think my priorities are not always the same as those of my teammates🌺😅

0 7

🎮 Hoy reseñamos el a labyrinth named school

🗣 "...ideal para las personas que les guste el terror y el suspense." por

🛒 Podéis comprarlo aquí: https://t.co/KYaOyjMn1Z

👉 Reseña: https://t.co/6o6cpDWqIt

3 11

if there are any s out there please reach out i'd love to make some character designs/art 😭😭😭#indiegame

here's some sample works of my own creation

38 120

Heather getting cozy in the cold weather :)
The fireplace is out of view because I worked a lot of hours this week and did not have the energy to paint fire lmao

7 23