Joanna Baillie?s 256th Birthday, 9/11/18, Australia, Chile, China, Iceland, Israel, Japan, NewZealand, Peru, Singapore, Sweden, UnitedKingdom

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World Cup 2018 - Day 23 - UK, 7/11/18, UnitedKingdom.

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Millicent Fawcett's 171st Birthday, 6/11/18, UnitedKingdom.

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St. George's Day 2018, 4/23/18, UnitedKingdom.

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Mother's Day 2018 (UK & Ireland), 3/11/18, Ireland, UnitedKingdom.

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Drawing: “Greenwich Archipelago Village challenges the superficiality of existing current urban village” by Ioana Gherghel
School: Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment

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St. David's Day 2018, 3/1/18, UnitedKingdom.

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Jackie Forster?s 91st Birthday, 11/6/17, UnitedKingdom.

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Celebrating British Sign Language and the Braidwood Academy, 9/6/17, UnitedKingdom.

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St. George's Day 2017, 4/23/17, UnitedKingdom.

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Already feeling a cosy Saturday night in ✌🏼 is out on DVD, loved this film, amazing true story!

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