vivio takamachi has everything i love in a character. poofy bangs. those little side hair tufts + curly strands. small twintails over loose hair. heterochromia. two moms

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No se debe olvidar que Nico logró salir del Tártaro completamente SOLO! Vivio cosas espantosas y aún así dio todo de sí para ayudar a sus amigos, si algo hizo bien hades fue crear a este ser precioso

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3. Favorite OC - This is like choosing the fav child... But I guess the most fun I had was with Viviona - my human mage specialising in Illusion spells.
She's greedy, can be quite shallow and a day without good wine is a tragedy - but she has a heart of gold.

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Let's not forget Maho Girls too. They're basically a PreCure formula injected w/ hint of Takamachi family once Ha-chan arrives.
Mirai = the Nanoha
Liko = the Fate
Ha = the Vivio
Then its manga went a step further w/ Mirai & Liko than Nanoha & Fate have ever gone in MGLN's history

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Hey, thanks for the opportunity to show off our OCs! I have quite a few ^^
Viviona, Illusion Mage,
Liam, my half-elf ranger,
Milhibethjida, Courtesan, Bard and the occasional healer
and finally my very first OC Ever, Asrana Another mage, specialized in fire spells ^^

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I already own Nanoha ViVid Vol 20, but I really want the edition w/ the wedding dress cover art. Or just the slip cover if I can somehow find it separately like I did one of the other special covers on an earlier Vol.

The front has Nanoha & Fate w/ Vivio and Einhart on the back.

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I really want the rest of animated. I don't even care if it's done by A1 or done like the rest of the franchise at Seven Arcs.

I just really wanna see Nanoha & Vivio's match animated.
It was fun & intense in the manga and I am curious how the animated take would look.

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Buenas, como hoy estaba aburrido, decidi dibujar un sketch rapido de este tiburon prehistórico, esta criaturas se llama helicoprion, su nombre significa ''sierra en espiral'' y vivio en el carbónifero superior hace 280 millones de años.

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alright, I finally found the time to answer properly. I think you might like my Mage Viviona - she's a bit fancy ;)

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