【ワンパンマン】PS4/XB1「ONE PUNCH MAN A HERO NOBODY KNOWS」キャラクター紹介PVが公開!“モスキート娘”や“深海王”など怪人4体を紹介 https://t.co/88sKOwZAbl

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「シャンティ5」 王道美少女横スクアクション新作、オープニングアニメが公開!Switch/PS4/XB1/PC向けに2019年後半配信!! https://t.co/SpE8EocBsR

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Trans, pan, and full of arts x4xb

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Ready to discover new quests and play with new characters in Xenoverse 2? The Ultra Pack 1 is coming out on July 11 for PS4, XB1, NSW and PC Digital!

283 1107

Issues on XB1:
- No S,Pass in Store. Preordered Physical and Everything!
- Playing Wu in the Greyish Stage (Kamuikotan?) Locally felt input laggy. As if stage has poor frame rate?
- Game crashed after online matches, while matchmaking next rounds.

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Samurai Shodown's Season 1 DLC Lineup Reveals Basara, Kazuki & Wan-Fu: (https://t.co/fxxla67SpI) ⬅️ Full size character art + full details! This SNK fan service is getting out of hand! 🖤

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Antipole DX: working our way through a high gravity level.

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Ooooh! Here’s Zylum :3 If you wanna give her a try xB

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(Finished xD!!!....im was doing this today...well i was listening tip about my drawing...but now it's ok)

Hiroyuki: Hmmm...i like it, but i must get used about my long hair

(yesh..but you can fight without problems..well, it's time to place this pic as cover page xB)

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Done with commissions, so have a hypno'd punk to celebrate! I'unno who she is yet x4xb

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(well...i did my OC's face portrail....oh? even my OC is undead still cute xB, i'm going to use this to my profile)

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Team up with fellow Revenants and fight for survival in the merciless world of coming to PS4, XB1 and PC on 27 September 2019!

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Operation Phantom Sight is a go! Maintenance will happen on June 11th at the following times:

PC - 9am to 10am EDT
PS4 - 10am to 11am EDT
XB1 - 10am to 12pm EDT

Patch Notes: https://t.co/q1fpx0faC7
Addendum: https://t.co/cFOjBDdfpg

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PS4/XB1/PC「テイルズオブアライズ」、PV第1弾が公開! https://t.co/Bk9cAp1LHu

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とりあえずXB-70描きたい 描かねば

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【速報】「ニノ国 リマスター」(PS4/XB1/PC)がリークされる Switchにはオリジナルの移植版 https://t.co/jKDXxolsUo

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Back in stock:

Shenmue I & II (XB1) - £9.99


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【速報】「R-TYPE FINAL2」 KickStarterにてクラウドファンディングを実施!Switch、PS4、XB1、Steamにてリリース予定 https://t.co/OvhtjknjCq

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