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The East is Burning Red. Kowloon Gundam of Neo Hong Kong.

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They are NOT RIOTERS‼️‼️
Although they are just kids, they have the bravery that represents people from

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Police attack PolyU, they arrested some first aiders and journalists, some citizens and students are still trapped in the university and no one can save them, Police blocked all the entrance and tried to torture people in PolyU

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But it still can’t stop the police arrest people for no reason.
The common law is almost dead in Hong Kong, while justice is nearly destroyed by government and police.
HongKongers really need people all over the world to help, please .

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Happened in last night, medical teams cannot save poly university students. Just like 4/6/1989.

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Hong Kong police used LARD( long range acoustic device) at Polytechnic University!!!! What a damage to students and the residents nearby !!🤢🤢

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They are dying.
Our future, HK next generations are in danger! Stop the insane HK government.

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It is a humanitarian crisis. It is a WAR! Please ask the help to your country to save Hong Kong!

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It is very dangerous 😭😭😭#SOS

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What will the international community do at this critical moment?

The world must now, or never, to prevent another Tiananmen Square massacre.

The government is prepared to murder our whole generation.

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