Do you still remember what’s happening at 31st August...
these riot police hit innocent citizens in the train ... so depressing 😞

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The film is talking abt girl power, but behind the scenes, this "mulan" actress is scandalous about supporting disrespectful of agree cops should beat, even kill innocent hongkongers, involves many women. Sorry I will

3 13

Happened in last night, medical teams cannot save poly university students. Just like 4/6/1989.

1 0

It is a humanitarian crisis. It is a WAR! Please ask the help to your country to save Hong Kong!

41 26

The polices abuse one's power.Polices supposed to protect the city but why are they keep on hurting the Hong Kong citizens in an inhuman way?Stop police brutality!

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The students who have been shoot by a gun on 11th Nov, he is now recovering and he want to have a bear cookies! Is this students really "rioters"?

71 80

World, HongKong Police is attacking students in an university. Please retweet this letter so it will reach someone who can help the HongKongers. 🙏

21 15

10 Nov 2019 原來捉市民第一件事唔係帶委任證係要帶頭套👎👎👎

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said the blue water is natural. But why the cleaners need to wear full protective gear to clean up the floor? What the main components for the blue water? The government wants to kill the citizens.

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