1-11-2016 🌌
في بالي ديما الرسمه هذي 🖤

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I'm ready for Come see me at table E171 alongside and , where I'll be serving up sensational shots of queer history on Saturday from 11-2:30 / 4:30-7 and Sunday from 2-6. Here are two more panels to whet your appetite...

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В полвторого ночи самое время отдать дань уважения нашим истокам. Назову этот твит "Винкс сквозь века"


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【RIM.ARK antenna shop】内にて、波佐見焼のうつわ「eni」をご紹介させていただくことになりました。今回、新色と小サイズもいち早く手にとっていただけます。
4/16 12-20pm 17.18 11-20pm

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Joining to this meme!!!
2011-2015-2019 comparison ♥

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Pages 11-20 of Rotten Nyan are out! Super sensitive content! Viewer discretion advised and stuff!

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ngl I am tempted to redraw some of my 2011-2012 art, was really into retro futurism

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Hello! I'm here to bring some old deviantart memories through the old art-middle art-new art meme.


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2011-2015-2019. Embarrassed by that first one but, proud of how far I’ve come ✨

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Saw this floating around Facebook so I thought I'd post mine here too~


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pour one out for me not actually having a good detailed piece to use as current year representation :’)))

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this is so embarassing ...........2011-2015-2019

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Headshot edition c:

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