Ed Hall
Syndicated political cartoonist.
Halltoons: https://t.co/qqpW0Z8lmF

🔸 'Suffer the Little Children,' 15 Jun 2018. Ed Hall, Artizans.

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Editorial cartoonist for the Las Vegas Sun and King Features Syndicate.

🔸 'Agreeing to maybe agree?,' 13 Jun 2018. Mike Smith, Las Vegas Sun.

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Things with my paper are still unresolved but I decided to draw this one for syndication only. Enjoy. Summit cartoon: https://t.co/gGOKCq5thp

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Bill Day
Nationally syndicated editorial cartoonist.

"He can't tell the truth..."

🔸 'I Didn't Do It!,' 12 Jun 2018 Bill Day, Cagle Cartoons.

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Clay Jones
Nationally syndicated cartoonist.
Claytoonz: https://t.co/CfUOyGSEDX

🔸 'Ugly American Baby,' 11 Jun 2018. Clay Jones, Claytoonz.

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Editorial cartoonist for the Las Vegas Sun and King Features Syndicate.

🔸 'A Pardon for Scott Pruitt?,' 8 Jun 2018. Mike Smith, Las Vegas Sun.

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Jimmy Margulies
Editorial cartoonist for amNew York and Newsday: https://t.co/Os1VsAUJpJ
Syndicated by King Features.

🔸 'The Threat Is Over,' 7 Jun 2018. Jimmy Margulies, Newsday.

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Ed Hall
Syndicated political cartoonist.
Halltoons: https://t.co/qqpW0Z8lmF

🔸 'Cake Equality,' 5 Jun 2018. Ed Hall, Artizans.

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1990 Program Exchange syndication print ad, mocking the competition while mentioning its "Evergreens" with lasting staying power. Ironically, as of 2018 those turtles are probably more recognizable than Woody, Dennis, and Fred.

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A.F.Branco, Freelance/Self-syndicated - No Good Deed https://t.co/FtqO2vNV0H

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A.F.Branco, Freelance/Self-syndicated - The (Not a Scientist) Science Guy https://t.co/3L9Q8vB26i

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A.F.Branco, Freelance/Self-syndicated - Roseanne Barred https://t.co/pZlR34rUel

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Paul Fell, Artizans Syndicate - For Profits https://t.co/edksOFH6ad

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Ed Hall
Syndicated political cartoonist.
Halltoons: https://t.co/qqpW0ZpWed

🔸 'This Should Make Them Stand Up Good and Straight...,' 24 May 2018. Ed Hall.

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Jimmy Margulies
Editorial cartoonist for amNew York and Newsday.
Syndicated by King Features.

"More women making claims about celebrity chef Mario Batali. NYPD investigates."

🔸 'Mario Batali,' 22 May 2018. Jimmy Margulies, amNewYork.

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Clay Jones
Nationally syndicated cartoonist.
Claytoonz: https://t.co/CfUOyGSEDX

🔸 'Who Do You Love,' 21 May 2018. Clay Jones, The Sarasota News Leader.

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So I've been playing A LOT of the gameplay is ugg assassins creed, but omg do I love the Frye Twins, they feel like an actual siblings and I just love them so I drew! both in diff styles cause I wanted to try different stuff, so enjoy :3

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Clay Jones
Nationally syndicated cartoonist.

"Why was our representation at the opening ceremony for U.S. embassy in Jerusalem Ivanka and Jared?" https://t.co/Bk3iqPBqQn

📷 'Stepping Out In Jerusalem,' 15 May 2018. Clay Jones, Claytoonz.

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