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The Masked Guy of the Day is...
Hibino Kafka from Kaiju No. 8!
“The Metamorphosis” Ladies, is sheltering in place starting to feel like this? #ShelterInPlace #Quarantine #COVID19 #kafka #gregor #art #painting
Read Excellence vol.1, what a powerful work.
@bwrites247 & @kharyrandolph capture a young man’s anger at the institutions upholding the kafkaesque rules of his life so deftly, that I was totally swept up. Electric artwork. Thematically prescient. A comic with a defiant spirit.
@xavierdaniel999 .
Adolf Hoffmeister
Franz Kafka, Stále ohrožená Praha, 1968
Drawings from the Drawpile stream with @illumiknobi @softcenteregg and @alexfukui. We formed up Voltrons and Blather suffered a Kafkaesque fate.
"Lo inexistente es todo lo que no hemos deseado lo suficiente."
" Il sogno è l' ultima notizia che possiedo di te."
( Kafka - lettere a Milena)
( Munch- Melancholy)
Illustrazione tratta da " La mafia spiegata ai bambini ", con un chiaro omaggio a Kafka.
Il libro edito da # Beccogiallo, è scritto da Marco Rizzo e chi fosse interessato può acquistarlo qui: https://t.co/4MzQHDVP6L
@Becco_Giallo @Marco_Rizzo
Franz Kafka, considéré comme l'un des écrivains majeurs du xxe siècle, né le 3 juillet 1883 à Prague et mort le 3 juin 1924 à Kierling...La Métamorphose, La Colonie pénitentiaire, Le Procès, Le Château, L'Amérique...@dfweb75
Da un certo punto in là non c’è più ritorno. È questo il punto da raggiungere.
Franz Kafka
©️Jack Savage
Franz Kafka, born #OTD 1883: "Enclosed in my own four walls… I saw my family as strange aliens whose foreign customs, rites, & very language defied comprehension… though I did not want it, they forced me to participate in their bizarre rituals… I could not resist."
Kafka and Victoria taking refuge at Somnium Orphanage
Dragon Ball meets Kafka.
A mí no me deis las gracias, todo el mérito va para @ScanlinesGirl y @Acecostumes, que se lucieron con esto en el directo del trivial de Dragon Ball Z ;)
Illustrations de Anton Vitus Westerlund #Illustrator #Shelley #Kafka #Poe #Lovecraft