Ruriko-cha~~n... *ahem*... sorry, I need to be more composed on twitter and refrain from fanboying.

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Juriko Kosaka

Dibujos en acuarela, tinta y rotulador

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Beautiful Spirited Away quote. Thanks to nuriko-kun for letting us use your amazing fanart!

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【V&C】展示の詳細を追記させて頂きました*5/3-5/17 YURIKO OYAMA a cloudy dream "Life is a mere dream."

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個展やります:YURIKO OYAMA a cloudy dream "Life is a mere dream." 5/3-5/17 渋谷東急ハンズ向かいのノアビル3F

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良い感じのイラスト。このままアニメになりそうだな。 via I don’t cry by =nuriko-kun on deviantART

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