Your choice?
Eriri for me
Artists : chaagoon
Anime : Saekano

Source :


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Variant cover for a sweet new series called 🤘 check it out. Doing a variant for each issue so far, Been a lot of fun, can’t wait to post ‘em🤓👍

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arai belongs to
aspen's ass belongs to arai :3c

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Icons for my party. Top row is goths bottom is preps.

Valrune the lore bard (played by me)
Laila the valor bard (also me. Yes, at the same time.)
Cryx the arcane rogue
Aspen the druid
Nixie the warlock of the phoenix
Gnomio the Warforged

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Cyan might be a bit of a diva, but it's fine once you get to know him! (Or, you might just get used to it...)

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Prism is a pretty big boy, but don't let it scare you!

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We're getting close to a good time to release the demo, so we might as well introduce actual worst boy.

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New artwork for sale! - "Three Aspens On A Snowy Slope" -

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Que tengamos que hablar de da auténtico miedo (oh, wait... ¿será ese el objetivo?)

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ASPEN COMICS April 2018 Solicitations

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3/365 Perspective is hard. Also I realized I need to relearn head anatomy cause I never really did in the first place 😂 I think the last pic looks better for where the face SHOULD be.

((#ztdraws ))

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Time for some anal vore, featuring Avarice and drawn by Aspen/Ayvore. Slrrrp~

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Sword And Sorcery Adventure Return In Aspen's Jirni

4 10

Últimas horas de 2017... ¡y ya tenemos una espectacular doble cita en ciernes para 2018! ¡13/01, en , con a partir de las 18h, e invasión en Estrella 20 toda la jornada! ¡Primeros BOOOM!!! del año!

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