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Hi, I’m Ester (aka Hoshimem) and I’ve just joined the famous (or was it ?) Anyway, I’m an and that lies hideen in social media 😅 Some day someone will love my scribb... ehm, artworks, maybe.

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As a personal request, the artificial body of the counselor was equipped with modes of movement similar to those found in the various worlds with a diverse fauna. In this case similar to a long-legged carnivorous quadruped


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Yo guys, tweaked and painted the Orby guy on todays stream, did somethin else than the OG sketch but pretty happy with it WIP Thanks for poppin by, one love!

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Trying a new watermark :O Here's some concept art of my sweet girl 51. She had such a fun birthday x3 I love drawing her hair down, it reminds me of my own!

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Hi, I'm Ben. I am a freelance artist working as a concept artist and illustrator in the game industry and for Magic the Gathering.


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Here is a collection of a few charcter designs I have worked on lately, including one commission! There is a real range of methods and time spent on these, from a couple of minutes to several hours!

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From my son, Christopher...
"Sunset City" - another practice piece focusing on some fundamentals and turning a thumbnailed idea into a presentable concept.


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Updated one of my character designs. I think I'll call her Fern. Also experimenting with layers and filters.

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