Mir persönlich wäre dieser moderne 2D-Artstyle lieber als halt ganz retro.

Aber solange das nächste 2D-Mario entweder ganz 2D oder 3D wie Kirby & DK ist, soll's mir recht sein. Aber das 2.5D der NSMB-Reihe sieht einfach nicht mehr gut und zeitgemäss aus.

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デューラーの父親 Ajtósi Albrecht の自画像。ニュルンベルクで名声を博し、フリードリヒ3世 (神聖ローマ皇帝) の依頼に応じて作品を制作したこともあるらしい。子供が18人もいたとか (そのうち成人したのは三人だけ)

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Von links nach rechts sehen sie hier: Zombyne, Patricia, Manuela und maudadine. Bitteschön
, , und ^^

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Albrecht Dürer
'Man of Sorrows' (ca. 1493)

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今日はドイツの芸術家アルブレヒト・デューラー さんの誕生日らしい.

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Left wing of a blue roller, studied in 1512 by the great Albrecht Dürer. You would not believe that watercolor & gouache could capture this much detail! Dürer was born OTD in 1471.

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Landscape by Albrecht Dürer, who was born in 1471. While most of his work consisted of oil paintings and woodcut engravings, Dürer also painted a number of watercolour landscapes in his travels to and from Italy, particularly in the Alps of southern Tyrol, Italy.

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Happy Birthday to Northern Renaissance painter and engraver Albrecht Dürer, who was born in 1471.
In 'Melencolia I' (1514), Dürer pictured an allegory of the creative melancholy of the artist, and this engraving has often been interpreted as a symbolic self-portrait.

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If you were to pick the top five most influential watercolourists, who would you go for? I'm thinking Turner, John Sell Cotman, Fidelia Bridges, Albrecht Durer and beatrix Potter.

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In 1941 Miles White introduced a modern sensibility for in the circus, with vivid colors, airy fabrics and a balance of function and style. Historian Ernest Albrecht shares his personal memories working White Tues. May 15th https://t.co/qObDqgwVoD

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Rechts oder links?

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Links: Oktober 2015 Rechts: April 2018

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In circuitu impii ambulant https://t.co/HxF0eqwWpX Compare Canterbury Psalter with the Utrecht Psalter.

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Cardinal Albrecht commissioned & collected SO many artworks and reliquaries that there's an entire illustrated book of *part* of the inventory, the Liber Ostensionis, also called the Hallesche Heiltumsbuch, made 1525-27: https://t.co/fvgjGyfTZr

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393 Visit the Netherlands? Obviously, spring is in the air. Somewhere around the

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uhm warte.. WAS?!? Links Februar 2017. Rechts heute.

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Laut konnte keine Einigung mit den US-Rechteinhabern der / von erzielt werden. Somit kann die sechsteilige Crossover-Miniserie nicht in deutschsprachiger Übersetzung gedruckt werden. https://t.co/eChuIMMbS7

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The 6th April is a bad day for art. It was the day Raphael, Albrecht Dürer & Domenichino died.

On the other hand it’s my birthday!

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Landscape with Spruce Tree by Albrecht Altdorfer ca. 1522
Pen and brown ink, watercolor, body colour, and a little white heightening
(Kupferstichkabinett, Staatliche Museen, Berlin)

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