-shrug- They're all pieces of shit but go for it xD

0 0

Still trying to draw this lil fucker I got from Tea Rose Pink but my head is like ehhh... Ehhhhh... Eh *shrug*

0 1


Was a doodle.

3 1

I realize this twitter is supposed to be for like my art or something ( how to twitter -shrug-) So have a little present

1 20

Cuurrreennt moooooddd

(Also find it generally funny when characters who could most likely shrug off -actual flames- may in fact still complain about terrible weather… and machinery gets -particularly- whiny when ambient temps go up…)

2 5

Hey, you asked a while back for people to make art of , right?
Here's my take on it.
...Why'd it take me so long to finish it?
*befuddled shrug*

2 10

i had other plans for the sketch but shRUG this is for

0 6

Fuck it heres a bonus lmao shrugs

5 46

game opening kept showing ann with green eyes so *shrugs*

130 458

O ya reposting these to just 1 tweet cos its neater shrug

3 34

Astro pilot in training, hoping to be the one that jumped over the moon.

Or maybe she just wanted something different to add to her wardrobe. *Shrugs*

0 7