So been planning a few more tin designs, this time I went for my name sake Moogles. Cause I adore them and I really should draw more of them along with all the chocobo's I've draw.

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Really, all moogles have an outfit like this somewhere in their closet. If they deny it, they're just lying cuz they're embarrassed.

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I made some FFXV moogle stickers to give out at Kupocon Pomtario this weekend! I might print to sell at some point too, but if you want one just catch me wandering around the con!

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for dear 😊 Thank you dear for the love and support! I enjoyed drawing this piece as well! Love those moogles, hehehehe.

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Im not rly a final fantasy person and this was a really weird side game but I really loved the designs from it? I thought this was what Moogles were supposed to look like LMAO

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Sunspot Bazaar registration is open and is filling up fast! Sign up today to secure your spot!
Last week we announced Friday's theme will be Animal Crossing and this week we're happy to announce Saturday's theme will be Chocobo Moogle Carnival!

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