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My wife thought this Dakosaurus looked too friendly for this week's I think he looks just friendly enough :).

3 57

The extinction alphabet: D is for Dakosaurus ✍️ in this weeks

4 41

Week 3: That better keep those conspiracy theories to himself.

3 23

C is for Ceratogaulus in the weeks entry for extinct animals theme.

6 39

Mother seriously considered calling a "predator drill" just to get her precious litter in the burrow for ten minutes of peace.

C for !

7 61

This week it's the letter C over at

4 32

A smiley master of all he surveys. For prompt. Who knew such a thing existed?

3 41

Ceratogaulus - This week's animal for is the dual-horned rodent .. huh, who knew!

4 30

You want salt and vinegar on that? The reason the is extinct is because they tasted TOO good* - this week's challenge for on the theme of extinct animals, letter B

*probably not the actual reason

2 23