🍶To unite all peoples within Kaitonation!🍨

that was as far as I got, someone else wanna make a kaimei version of the Team Rocket motto pls?

61 115


4 4

Rise and start singing for the fat cat in the skinny jeans...

12 58

Excited to see at . Her motto, “What you are is God’s gift to you--what you make of yourself is your gift to God." ⬇️

35 60

あさって2/17(金)~3月8日(水)まで、ミツカルストア青山店で始まるCATMOTTO STOREにて、catクッション取扱いしていただいてます。”大人でも楽しめる”ネコモチーフのクリエイターグッズのポップアップショップ。

3 10

ayato saying motto hoshiin darou gave me kidney failure

1 1

New motto of the year.

1 17

ใจกล้าดั่งสิงห์ คือถิ่นกริฟฟินดอร์
อดทนไม่ย่อท้อ ดั่งเช่นฮัฟเฟิลพัฟ

ฉลาด ภาคภูมิ สูงส่ง เรเวนคลอ
เจ้าเล่ห์นักหนอ สลิธีริน

-Motto of House

5260 1495

このNo Borderの感じやっぱり最高だぜ〜!



15 46


158 459

The motto means more to me every time I see it.

3 45

効率よく痩せるには【お尻】を鍛えるべし!簡単お尻トレーニングまとめ!|motto!-体にいいことまとめブログ- https://t.co/x1RsRME1yj

0 0

Because well, why not? That's always my motto in life.

3 16

I don't know why people don't daddy Trump i agree with hist motto i even got the hat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

4 25

exorcises the with the Eye of Agamotto From my Adventures interiors years ago.

1 3

BY THE WAY a redesign of this. There's my old motto.

0 4

her life motto

0 3