Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) by apod.nasa:
Ou4: The Giant Squid Nebula
Image Credit

Tommy Lease

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At the Core of the Spinning Pulsar of the Crab Nebula lies a Neutron Star spinning 30 times a second : visible light from Hubble ST in purple, X-ray from Chandra in blue, Infrared from Spitzer ST in red (apod.nasa.Archive) 🚀🛰📡🔭😵‍💫🌀💫🌟✨✨✨

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I remember a reader told Sireu that she wanted to see the picture of the three of them living together, and now it has been realized.Nabit and Sireu are angels

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The Lively Center of M8, the Lagoon Nebula, a whirlwind of spectacular Star Formation 5,000 light-years away toward Sagittarius (apod.nasa) 🚀🛰📡🔭💫✨🌟💫✨✨✨

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Cyclone Paths on Planet Earth. Major Storms from 1985 through 2005 (apod.nasa) 🚀🔭🌎🌍🌏🌪💥🌪

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M74 a perfect Spiral Galaxy 32 million light-years away toward Pisces (apod.nasa.Archive) 🚀🔭💥⭐️

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Star Forming Region M20 Trifid Nebula 5,000 light-years away toward Sagittarius (apod.nasa.Archive) 🚀🔭💥⭐️

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Hi Anna!

It looks like you have a lot of amazing artists to choose from, and I hope I can add to that list! Thank you for the opportunity.


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The Horsehead Nebula 1,500 light-years away in Infrared from Hubble in Orion M42 (apod.nasa.Archive) 🚀🔭⭐️🐴⭐️⭐️

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NGC 3372 Carina Nebula : Molecular Clouds, knots of Dust & Gas : Sulfur, Oxygen, hydrogen (apod.nasa.Archive) 🚀💥⭐️

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HBD.Nagito komaeda 🍀
Unfortunate and lucky day on the same day 😊

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Inside the Flame Nebula NGC 2024, Star Forming Region (apod.nasa) 🚀🔭⭐️💥⭐️

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The Magnetic Field of the Whirlpool Galaxy M51 observed with SOFIA & Hubble Telescope (apod.nasa.Arch) 🚀🔭⭐️💥

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Grouping of Reflexion Nebulae : NGC1977, NGC1975, NGC1973, along Orion Sword (apod.nasa.Archive) 🚀🔭💥⭐️

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Simeis 147 Supernova Remnant in Taurus & Auriga, Stellar Explosion 40,000 years ago (apod.nasa.Archive) 🚀🔭⭐️💥

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Heart of Orion Nebula : 4 massive stars & a Black Hole (Trapezium) 1,500 light-years away (apod.nasa.Archive) 🚀🔭⭐️

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Happy Saturday dear friend.Nadi🌞🌻
I come on Twitter to say good morning to all, and than back to creation and off line.. 🎨🖌️📸
We don't have to chose between, just to make balance in life😊💖🎨🖌️
The best life is life of our dreams 😊💖🎨

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The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula. IC 1396, Young Star Cluster 3,000 light-years away in Cepheus (apod.nasa.Archive) 🚀🔭⭐️

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Clouds of the Carina Nebula NGC 3372. Hydrogen Green, Sulfur Red, Oxygen Blue (apod.nasa.Archive) 🚀🔭⭐️

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