From a thread where Reggie was in I do like Silent Hill Crossovers, those are just neat to me

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Creepy Bunny Job Swap
... Zipper got no business looking that creepy

27 69

Another post about James WOW
But here's my drawing of James in bed
Also anyone up to talking about bullshit stuff hit me up I got nothing to do

0 3

This is the shit I think about during the Quarantine

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病院はクリーチャーこそ出ないが懐中電灯で回れるようになってて最上階までいくと帰りが裏世界に変わるんだよ。で、やっとの思いで脱出できたと思ったら自分の肉体だけが病院の入り口に残されるというヤバいバグ(演出?)がおきて即効で離脱した。 超怖かった。最高。

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missing her today

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