La vita è appesa a un filo: in un paesaggio incantato le tre Parche decidono le sorti degli uomini. Chi meriterà la medaglia dell’immortalità?

Marco Bigio (attivo a Siena 1541 ca.), Le Parche, olio su tela

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Papa Emeritus 3 being....#PapaemeritusIII

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Needed a break after working on comms today, so i drew Merituuli! pretty eyes and seal paws 💕

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Leonardo (1530-1587) is above all known for the description of the so-called Botallo's duct and Botallo's foramen, in fact already known before him, but which he had the merit of having brought to the attention of scholars.

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All I want for Christmas is romeritos. 🎄🥖💕✨ |

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When you spend ten minutes trying to make a joke about Polnareff's chest, only to never find a picture of the apparently elusive Tiddy that's godo enough so your entire joke is just ruined by merit of time.

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More color line ups! This time with the character Taeru. Taeru is a genetically enhanced super soldier/ninja. Which one is your favorite!

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drawn in stream today, Papa Emeritus from

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The Eisner Award is a prestigious award given to recipients based on merit and oh goodness me I seem to be bleeding out of every orafice.

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A bit of some older Merit art, because sometimes ya gotta put ya boy in crop tops

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La meritita verdad, ya perdí la cuenta de todas las maneras que tengo que dibujarme

¡ Una mas no hara daño ! ... Verdad ?

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Merith, oc de
(wip en dessous)

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Diumenge 25 de novembre a les 12 h, us convidem a un espectacle molt especial: la lectura dramatitzada de textos biogràfics de Mela Muter, a càrrec de Meritxell Yanes i David Planas . Places limitades.

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Cuarta sesión Ya merito queda 😁😁😁

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So um,
there's this drawing,
and um,

I started in and because I was feeling good (not on my own merit) I decided to go ham and finish it instead of my speech for tomorrow
but I do have to say this is one of my favorite drawings as of recent, it looks nice

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Today I made some merit badges for str8 white men at Ithaca College lmk what you think

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My Golden Papa series! My most popular works. A select few available for purchase on my RedBubble! Check my little store!

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