Metaphor of our times: Pickle Politics (literally), spicy show & lecture performance series by collective Slavs and Tatars, opens at Sugar Contemporary with tonight, come on over, it won’t be bland:

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on Sunday, we start our workshops in the afternoon and from 6 to 8pm, join us for and stories during the public reading at Zeitzone in Kreuzberg. Full event info:

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floor of the Gedächtniskirche in (#Germany)

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Pioneer of environmentalism: happy 250th birthday, Alexander von Born in 1769 in the fearless explorer, geographer & naturalist saw nature as a web of life & anticipated human-induced climate change more than 200 years ago.

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'In front of the pub'
Bruno Voigt

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Guten Morgen! Ich bin froh, Ihnen sagen zu können, dass wir vom 6. bis 11. September auf der in sein! Sie finden uns am Stand Nr. schauen Sie vorbei, sagen Sie Hallo und lassen Sie Ihre kreativen Funken fliegen!

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Which 80s SONG Do You Prefer?

Berlin “Take My Breath Away” (1986)
Bonnie Tyler “Total Eclipse of the Heart” (1983)

Don’t Forget to Visit THE BIGGEST 1980s Website EVER:

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Isochrone map of post coach and ship travel from for 1819

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Zwei mega nette Busfahrer*innen in an ein und demselben Tag heben meine Stimmung sanft wie der Sessellift die Oma in den ersten Stock.

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Finally found some time to try ‘s animation feature. This has become some serious option for animating on the iPad. layer-group opacity and styles would have been handy
Will post the making of this week

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