Check out the YMPS Education App now available on iPhone and iPad Built with all content made by Y5 pupils including Augmented Reality. Pupils have contributed to writing the code

14 7


□ A1 Conditioning
□ A2 100DaysOfCode
□ A3 Startup
□ B1 Art & Science
□ C1 Foreign Languages


0 55


□ A1 Conditioning
□ A2 100DaysOfCode
□ A3 Startup
□ B1 Art & Science
□ C1 Foreign Languages

皆さん 今日もよい一日を!🍵

2 47


□ A1 Conditioning
□ A2 100DaysOfCode ※
□ A3 Startup ※
□ B1 Art & Science
□ C1 Foreign Languages


0 42


□ 筋トレ HIIT ランニング坐禅 パレオ
□ 100DaysOfCode
□ 映画で世界旅 (x2)
□ ファイナンス&マーケティング
□ デジタルクリエイティブ
□ 読書: 妄想する頭
□ 外語: 印/仏/阿/泰

0 69

1/2 3D design projects using CodeBlocks in TinkerCAD by Karla, Anu, Lucy, students from our Virtual Reality & More workshops.

19 14

Day 61 of : Really busy on a contract ending today, implementing features and fixing stuff.
Let's say that it's also an update on day 59 and 60 😅

I haven't worked on my project for the past 2-3 days. Hope to get back to it tomorrow ! 💪

9 9

Day 51 of : I'm really busy because of a contract's deadline that is in a few hours. No time for personal projects at all today, BUT I still thought a little bit about some game design, so that's something.

2 11

🗓️ 2021/01/02

Dobré ráno! ドブレラーノ / チェコ語

🆕 Day2>beta試験中


0 29

Generative portraiture :: Paint with Code
I improved my painting algorithm with detail in specific areas, and I love it!!

4 19

🗓️ 2020/12/26



みなさん よい休日を 🥂

"Baie de Marseille", Paul Cézanne

2 45


Merry Christmas to all coders!🎄⛪️🎄

> am
☑︎ - specificity calculator
☑︎ - rev. all functions
☑︎ - rev. container widget

> pm


13 34

Day 34 of : I took a break from the VR side of my game. I added to the Operator's app the possibility to drag the map and zoom in/out.

We've settled on the MRTK SDK for my client's VR game, to have an easier hand tracking implementation.

9 12