Меня тут правильно замотивировали (читай купили модельку) оформить красиво лук из генши, так что принесла вам картинок :3

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🎨 Preview of what is releasing next month~

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⭐#Sephiroth - Final Fantasy VII⭐
STL for (with presupport)

Support our Patreon:
Join our community:

Available until April 30

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all the diorama stl i release will come presupported with unsupported option.

sign up now for the "New Fren" tier on my patreon to receive weekly diorama props! https://t.co/LGoFfbIGU2

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Big Print of Rebecca Smasher / Madam Smasher. Been doing this side gig for a year. Been really fun. Met new people, connected to people I have admired from a-far.
Cheers to the future

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putting it out there, I sell my STLs for my skullgirls figures, if you want to print them yourself! Feel free to check em' out. https://t.co/HPfhsUqWvT

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Working with Star Side Armory to make this futuristic device was amazing! Support indie art in all its forms!


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I've spent over 20 hours on this already. Anyway-- Spidery Kabbit is now up! :3c

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I have four 3D printers I’m looking to start utilizing for NFT products, if you are interested or know any projects that would be interested in 3D printing services tag them below.

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Battle Yak Miniatures celebrates 3 years of mini making this March!

Join the celebration with the discount code BYMBDAY!

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