thank you for keeping TVXQ, thank you for keep walking, thank you for being awesome Yunho & Changmin!

145 83

Re-drawing my old Kingdom Hearts OC, for a contest. Its the start of her ref sheet, I've had Thistle for 15years! Thats crazy! LOL

0 3

Love again by globe from 15YEARS -BEST HIT SELECTION- [Disc 1]

0 0

"Cuando alguien te arrastra de los escombros cuando te has rendido, listo para simplemente tumbarte y morir.Esto es amor. Cuando alguien, sin importar el coste, te muestra que hay esperanza, una opción, que puedes dejar tu arma.
Esto es amor. El amor duele."

5 19

2018年オリコン上半期デジタルアルバムランキング4位にランクインのglobe『15YEARS -BEST HIT SELECTION-』が6月30日(土)まで900円!「DEPARTURES」「FACE」「Can’t Stop Fallin’ in Love」含む30曲収録。

46 112

Inaugural Series advanced Leonardo da Vinci research in real time GMT 2/3/2018 Revelations of unknown subsurface Studies within X-Radiographic Plate Leonardo's rediscovered "The Madonna Annunziata"LEFT hidden 515years since created Florence Circa1503-Comparison with"St Anne"RIGHT

9 13

Inspired by the amazing strem art I thought I'd have go at drawing + I haven't drawn anything "cartoony" in 15years😱

6 164

57/100 The brilliant and totally singular imagination of Steven Tillotson -

3 8

tribute celebrating the awesomeness of 's magnus opum Truly a remarkable album.

2 3

1/100 From DIY enthusiasts to hugely acclaimed publisher! Buy 's books here:

11 17

I'm not crying, I just got spacedust in my eye... 😭😭😭

13 58

I wasn't here from the begining but I'll be here untill the end💙 this is making me so emotional

19 47