Gathering of Auspicious Signs by Lang Shining
Yongzheng Reign. Qing(In 1725 Actually)
Collected in Shanghai Museum
郎世宁 聚瑞图轴 / 清雍正三年 / 上海博物馆藏
PS:台湾国立故宫博物院藏有类似藏品(Pic 3),落款雍正元年,是郎世宁现存纪年最早的作品。

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Thomas Patch (Mar 13, 1725, Exeter – Apr 30, 1782, Florence) was an English painter, caricaturist, engraver, physiognomist and art historian.

A stormy coastal landscape, with figures on rocks in the foreground, 1770

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Suzuki Harunobu (Japanese: 鈴木 春信; c. 1725 – 15 July 1770) was a Japanese designer of woodblock print artist in the Ukiyo-e style❤️🌹👁️👌

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Suzuki Harunobu (Japanese: 鈴木 春信; c. 1725 – 15 July 1770) was a Japanese designer of woodblock print artist in the Ukiyo-e style❤️🌹👁️👌

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The Centaur Nessus Abducting Deianira, by Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée (:January 21, 1725 – June 19, 1805)

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This papier-mâché and wood doll from Lynne Dingus's collection sold for $1725. The 21" tall doll, in her original outfit with bonnet and handbag, has painted eyes, molded black hair, a cloth body, and wood lower arms and legs..

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Francesco Bartolozzi.1725-1815. Eros and Psyche.(Attributed to). Tate Gallery. London.

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Jean Baptiste Greuse.1725-1805. Kneeling Male Nude Holding a Staff. Private collection.

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Madonna and Child Appearing to Saint Philip Neri by Giovanni Battista Piazzetta, probably 1725 or after

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Queen Zenobia Addressing Her Soldiers by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, 1725/1730

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1725年8月21日 ジャン・バティスト・グルーズがリヨン郊外のトゥルニュに生誕。

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Daily Painting 1725# Spyro
This game was my childhood.

For full res WIPs, art, videos and more:

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Lambert-Sigisbert Adam 'Bust of Neptune' (1725-1727)

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Invented in 1725, the OCULAR HARPSICHORD had lights corresponding to the colours of the rainbow that lit when different notes were played.

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The Duchess of Chartres ... by Joseph-Siffred Duplessis (Sep 22 1725 – Apr 1 1802)

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Sunset Deviantart Thank you 4000 Watchers
Pixiv 1725 follower

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The Broken Jug, by Jean-Baptiste Greuze (Aug 21 1725 – March 21 1805)

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