Playing .hack as a kid I wasn’t ready 🌹 also I think it’s where I got my love of giant swords 🤭

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Even after I found out Sheik was Zelda in disguise...Gay vibes from a very early age.

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Years pass. I'm still having none of that "romance" stuff. In rides Dragon Age: Origins. Alistair shows up right at the beginning. During those 100+ hours, he really grew on me, and then it dawned on me: I *like* him! 😱(How could I not just look at this dork!)

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I feel like jumping on this, my is Grimsley for sure. Characters like him have always resonated with me since I was young.

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Now that i think about it... my es explains even more

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Krystal's basic, but did anyone else have a crush on sphinx? All these years later and I still love these two a lot👀💦#1stVideoGameCrush

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I can't really remember my 1st but here are my notables

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I...I love him and also did look up to him in my middle school days.... I miss him

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Okay first video game crush... Again its just King R Rool and Katt Monroe 😂

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I don't have many of these. I crushed on real people like Nate Ruess and Davy Jones. I don't even remember my first cartoon crush. Anyway...
Peter (Narnia)
Lief (Deltora Quest)
Link (OoT)
Kaname (Vampire Knight)

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...I guess I just really like Spaniards??? Fjgjskf

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FFIX needs more love you can't change my mind

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Ocarina of Time is full of babes, which I recognized as a babe

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I had an unhealthy love for Cloud Strife when I was younger and I'm not ashamed. Not one bit.

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I’m not sure if I nailed this or not but I do love me some androgynous folks

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